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Luscious, Loose, and Lovely Curls

Editorial From Hair By Lance Lanza - Palm Springs

May 2012

    Meg Ryan straight hair with those flicky flips is out. Flat hair is out. Not only is it out, straightening your hair costs money. A Japanese straighttener can cost upwards of $700. Even for those of you who can afford that type of service, straightening hair can be very time-consuming.

(left) Robin After Lanza Hair  Visit.

Fortunately, creating texture and body for your hair is in. The Hollywood  girl look is back! You can see these loose curls on celebrities like all the Jessica's—Simpson, Alba, and Sarah Jessica Parker. Oh, let's not forget OC star Rachel Billson, who in spite of not being a Jessica is now famous for those bountiful curls.

Fortunately, you can achieve this "modern perm" with, among other techniques, a chemical perm. To achieve the natural beauty of the modern perm, you must follow a specific technique. You will be utilizing the two largest-sized rods in a hot roller set. Take a hot rod and wind a section of hair around it in a spiral fashion, beginning at the tips of the hair. Don't wind all the way—stop approximately two inches from the roots of your hair. Alternate the two rod sizes next to each other, creating interest and fullness in your hair style. Let the rods hang vertically for that cool curl look.

As for the chemical perm solution itself, find one that is appropriate for you by hair type. Don't by a brand if they don't have one for your hair type—virgin hair or colored, bleached, fine or thick, and so on. Then, follow the directions on the box to the T when preparing it and applying it to the rods.

I don't recommend that you do this yourself, unless you're very talented with your hands and can follow directions well. Even a friend who's good with his or her hands could do this for you. Better still, show this article to your hairdresser, who should understand right away what we're talking about.

Don't fret! This is not the same type of perm that you remember from the 1980s. In the 80s, there was only  one type of perm. Women were damaging their hair with primitive chemicals. Some of these women were frying their hair over and over again.

Today, there are many different types of perms for different types of hair. Ask your local salon about a perm that could work for you!

If your going to style it your self and would like some hints... 1. Big barrel curling iron about 1.1/4 inch think. 2.  Roll curls going away from face (like Farah Fawcet)  3.  All the curls should be going in one direction away from the face. (do not alternate curls or will look poofy!)

Hope these hints will help make your hair curl! 



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