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Editorial Review -Hair by Lance Lanza in Palm Springs   11/5/2014  

As a hairdresser, I know everyone's hair needs are different. Here are some tips on how to determine whether your hairdresser is good for you.  Alot of time is spent looking for reviews that are sceptical.  These tips will save you time and bad hair days!beauty Editor Lanza

Seeing some past work, whether on a website or published somewhere, that was actually done by that particular stylist, is a good indication as to the nature of that stylist's work and his or her ability to please you. Beware when looking at pictures at websites, as many of them display pictures that come from product manufacturers, not their own work. A talented, confident stylist will publish his own work for all to see. See my work at

Is spying on the hairdresser beforehand a good idea? In actuality, it's a good idea to see the person at work, and to feel the atmosphere of the salon. I suggest going to the reception desk and ask for a business card or price list. Look around while you're there, and maybe ask to schedule consultation.               

Usually, the owner will create a salon image that has a strong bearing on the type of work the salon produces. A dated-looking salon will put out dated work, and a modern, in-style salon will employ stylists that do today's common or trendy looks.  To be fair  his is not always true in some cases,  I myself have found my self at time to be the hair salon's 'black sheep'.

Looking for Reviews on the internet may or may not help.  I have worked at salons in the last 12 years that have had 5 stars to 3 stars on Google, CitySearch and Yelp.  You may or may not get right stylist that is for you. The listings  means they are or are not managing the listing.  Since I work for my self I have chosen not to have a CitySearch or Yelp listing. These work better for a salon and not one hairstylist as myself.

When you decide to try someone, make sure the consultation time is included with the service. For example, I am an experienced stylist; I like to compare myself to an experienced pilot. During the consultation, I find out where the client wants to go, exactly. I know how to fly that plane perfectly, but I need to know the destination. That's what the consultation is about before the hairstylist starts mixing color.

Lanza and client Jennifer hairstyle healthy shiny carmel highlights over Choclate brunette.

It's always a good idea to have a magazine clipping or two of what you like. However, I have a few remarks about this you can do this with your smart phone or in paper from a magazine.  If your serious print it our or in paper, It easier for the stylist to discuss it with you holding the picture.

  1. One to three clippings only works best. Too many options can cloud the goal.

  2. Bring in a clipping of what you want, not of what you don't want. Concentrate primarily on conveying your needs.

  3. A lot of clients think that relying on the hairdresser's opinion, with no idea of what they want, is making it easier on the stylist. In fact, most hairdressers prefer to start out with at least some idea of what the client wants.

  4. Be realistic. Some clients think they want to go from A to Z all at once. Hair stylists are not magicians. (But I've been known to pull off amazing makeovers, sometimes being called Lanza Burton!)
    Hairstylist Lanza and long golden hair styled wiht long messy layers.

If it's your first time with the hairdresser, dress to express the style you're going for. Wanting to please people with their lifestyle, I gather what they like from how they dress. If you're coming from work, let your hairdresser know if you want a look that's more than just something to wear with a suit. If you prefer to look like you walked out of a Victoria's Secret catalog, let the stylist know.

Communication is so important! Just because you have seen his work doesn't mean a hairdresser comprehends what you are saying. I have seen stylists who say yes to everything because they can't connect, or just out of habit. .

If you like the hairdresser and you want to be treated terrifically the next time you're in, refer him a client. You might think he's extremely busy and won't be able to fit you in next time; nine times out of ten, it's not true. You'll receive more attention the next time, as a referral is the most flattering tip you can ever give.

If you just love the hairdressLanza with Client getting very choppy messy shoulder length layers 2009er and his style and absolutely demand his full creativity and attention when you sit down in front of him, bring him a Starbucks mocha ice blended coffee with whip cream! :)

I hope this article will be helpful in your search for you new personal hair guru.; I want everyone to have a great hair day! - Lanza

 ( note: currently there is a quaint coffee house serving great blended Iced mochas and coffee.. just next store to my salon I work in Palm Springs – Cathedral City :)  There is great parkinglot   Hope to see you.

update December 24, 2014,   A client read the above today and accused me of extortion to get people to pay for my ice blended's....  This is - with appreciation.

Make an appointment with Lance Lanza at his Palm Springs and Cathedral City salon by Appointment.  (310) 855-2674 Website  Map  Facebook Instagram

Reviews of Hair By Lance Lanza in Palm Springs Ca.
